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MP35N Fasteners

One of the highest strength alloys available to industry

MP35N Fasteners for Extreme Strength

  • Extreme high strength properties up to 300 ksi ultimate tensile.

  • Good in moderately elevated temperatures of 800°F.

  • Moderate corrosion resistance.

  • MP35N chemisty, specs and heat treatments

  • Datasheet for MP35N

MP35N (2.4999) fasteners are known for their extraordinary strength and are the strongest fasteners. MP35N fasteners owe their extraordinary strength to a unique alloy combination of nickel, cobalt, chrome and molybdenum and have ultimate tensile strengths that range from 227 ksi to 294 ksi (with age hardening).

Beyond the strength of MP35N fasteners, they are also exhibit good corrosion resistance and can resist most mineral acids, hydrogen sulfide, seawater and salt spray environments.

MP35N fasteners are also resistant to high temperature oxidation and could operate in environments up to 800°F and still maintain much of its strength.

Applications where MP35N fasteners are often found are: aerospace, defense, marine, chemical processing, oil and gas and medical.

Resources: MP35N Torque Spec

MP35N Fastener Types: Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Studs, Threaded Rods, Washers

MP35N (2.4999) Chemistry, Spec and Heat Treatments

Heat Treating & Aging: MP35N is usually supplied in heat treated and cold drawn condition AMS 5844. In this state the MP35N can be worked into the desired fastener form and aged to the AMS 5845 specification. Once aged, the MP35N material could achieve it full strength potential. 

MP35N Specifications:  AMS 5844, AMS 5845, AMS7468, ASTM F562, NACE MR0175



MP35N Mechanical Data (Dependent of Part Size)

Guaranteed Minimum PropertiesNominal Properties

USt(%)Yield Strength (0.2%) ksiElongation (%4D)RA(%))HRCUTS(kis)Yield Strength (0.2%) ksiElongation (%40)RA(%)HRC
MP35N Cold Dg Full Strength26023083544 min28527594550


MP35N Corrosion Data

MediaCorrosion ResistanceMediaCorrosion Resistance
Nitric AcidGoodSulfuric AcidGood
Phosphoric AcidGoodAcetic AcidExcellent
Sodium HydroxideGoodSalt Spray (NaCl)Excellent
Sea WaterExcellentSourOil/GasExcellent
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